Getscope - Features - Side project

Sidegig? We Hear You!

Having a brilliant idea is one thing. But knowing where to start and then moving forward – that’s the challenge of every side hustle. We completely understand.

Getscope is a project tool that encompasses the major management methods in an extremely simple environment. In this way, we can steer you and your idea toward your fabulous launch.

Why Getscope?
Glad You Asked

Why GetScope?
Glad You Asked


Getscope supports 113 in the execution of our digital projects. Everything in one platform, in one way, simple and clear!

Robin - CTO, 113


Basic Board


To Do List


Pay per user

Your Projects,
Your way

Your Projects,
Your Way


wanna get to know us?

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know us?

We are nice guys,
making nice things

We are nice guys, making nice things